Separating Configuration from Wiring: Nirvana

If you’re writing SOLID code, you’re going to be doing a lot of wiring.  Typically, this wiring only changes in response to business change.  Some wiring is going to be static for years.  If you’re building a car, you won’t suddenly wire the clutch to the CD player, as entertaining as it would be when your brother-in-law tried to drive it.

On the other end of this spectrum, there’s stuff that changes all the time.  Every machine you use, it needs to change.  This is actual configuration information.  The rest of it can, frankly, be hard wired.  True configuration information needs to be in external files, wiring is best left in C#.  Take a look at your config settings.  How much of that has changed in the last year?  Two years?  Would it really be a big deal to create a new version and deploy it in the unlikely event that you needed to change it in the next two years?

Configuration API Design

It may sound like I’m just stating the obvious here, but it’s try to think of a major .NET project that gets this.  I’m reckoning it’s nServiceBus and… well, no-one actually.  Microsoft definitely don’t get this or your average config file would be five lines long, rather than 200.

Castle Windsor is schizophrenic on this.  There’s an XML configuration model in which everything is configuration, and a fluent model in which everything is wiring.  What you actually need is environmental deltas like Binsor has.  Now, I have form on this subject, having been blogging about configuration management and the need for derived containers almost as long as I’ve been writing.

So, does everyone need an XML format as well as a C# API?  Well, no, because you can use a braindead DSL these days.  You don’t need to wait for Craig and Oren to write a Binsor equivalent for whatever library you’re using.  Moreover, although I’ve made a big distinction between wiring and configuration, the difference between the two is going to be application and domain specific.  What’s consistent for one company could change on every box at another.  It’s best to be using the exact same API as you are in C#.  It’s easier to learn and it doesn’t impose an unnecessary barrier between the stuff you change and the stuff you don’t.

Now, after I’ve said all of that, it might be surprising that I use Binsor.  Shouldn’t I be using Castle’s fluent registration?  Honestly, I’d much rather use it, but Binsor has the Extend macro, and Fluent Windsor doesn’t.  The Extend macro enables my separation of configuration and wiring in a way that Windsor’s fluent interface does not.  If you dig deeper, you discover that the fundamental problem is you can’t have incremental registrations.

(As an aside, this is because the container violates SRP extremely badly, being responsible both for registration and for resolution.  This, in turn, prevents the creation of a registration compilation step and introduces all sorts of problems that are most easily solved by treating registrations as immutable.)

Achieving Configuration Nirvana

So, here’s how I think we should be thinking about configuration:

  • Configuration is different from wiring
  • The difference between the two is application specific.
  • Configuration needs to be in files external to your code.  This doesn’t, however, mean you need two mechanisms.
  • There’s no need to use XML.  IronPython, IronRuby or Boo are fine.
  • Specialized DSLs are not the way to go.  There’s nothing wrong with .NET code.
  • Configuration APIs need to be incremental to support this.  If this means having a separate “configuration compilation” step, so be it.
  • Most libraries shouldn’t concern themselves with configuration.  IoC containers are fine.

I haven’t really explained the last point.  We tend to behave as if configuration is something we need to build into everything we do and this is not only wasted effort on the producers’s part, it’s often a pain in the neck for the consumer as well.  I’ll talk about that some more on my next post.  Then I’ll come down to earth and start discussing what we do in the real world where my perfect configuration system doesn’t exist.

The Configuration Class Anti-Pattern

I wanted to write something about the concept of a “configuration class”, which Emanuele touched on in a discussion about the singleton pattern.  Let me start by explaining what I mean by a configuration class.  It’s a relatively common “pattern”, although you’ll never find it in any books.  I’m going to argue that this is because, like Singleton, it’s the wrong solution to the problem.

The Problem

.NET has an incredibly flexible XML-based configuration API.  However, for the purposes of this discussion, we can concentrate on the bit that most developers use: AppSettings.  This is basically just a string hashtable with delusions of grandeur.  This is, frankly, the wrong model.  What goes wrong?

  • Different pieces of code read the same setting for different purposes.  e.g. two assemblies both of which use “ConnectionString” as a key.
  • Different pieces of code read the same setting in slightly different ways.  Maybe one guy made his test for “True” case insensitive, but did everyone?
  • The configuration file is a singleton, with all the problems that implies.
  • You’ve no idea what bits of code use what configuration settings.  Ultimately, this is the one that’s going to kill you.

The Configuration Class

Well, you know that working with the raw hashtable is dangerous bordering on foolhardy.  So, you put an abstraction on top of it to fix some of the horror of working the bare metal.*  You’ve now got, in effect, a strong typed class with properties that correspond to the settings in your config file.  Next, you get the rest of your code to use this class.  I’m not going to go into more detail about this since Jeffrey Palermo’s article already does a better job than I would.

Now, this is vastly better than what we started with:

  • Different pieces of code using the same setting are now explicit, so your chances of a conflict are much smaller.
  • Everyone now reads the setting the same way.
  • You’ve separated yourself from the physical configuration file, so you can use an alternative data store or stores.
  • You can see who uses the setting by tracing method calls.

Why it Doesn’t Really Solve The Problem

Well, let’s start out by pointing out that schema-less XML configuration isn’t really that bright an idea to begin with.  I don’t think I’m the only one tired of the insane verbosity and lack of verification in XML.  That in itself is relatively solvable by just reading all of the configuration settings on startup rather than when they’re first needed.  It’s not elegant, but it works.

However, you’ve still got some fairly ridiculous things.  First, your configuration class is a junkyard of settings for your app.  Again, you can probably solve that by splitting it, but now you’ve got lots of configuration classes.  And then you’re running into the risk of re-used settings again.

Push Me?  Pull You!

Let’s ignore that last problem and think a bit more about the users of these configuration classes.  How many of them are there?  Well, actually, there should only be one.  If you’re observing the single responsibility principle, it’s fairly clear that any given data item should only have one purpose.  If you’re remembering that data and code together is a fundamental principle of object oriented development, it’s pretty obvious that the class that is using the data item should be the configuration class itself.

Okay, aren’t we back to configuration chaos?  Not quite, we’ve introduced some discipline.  It helps to think about the responsibility of this new look configuration class?  Basically, it’s now an abstract factory.  The classes that originally used your configuration class now just take their configuration as constructor parameters.  So, we’ve actually come full circle to the article that started it all.

Still Missing The Point

All of this is fine, but all I’ve really told you so far is that there are better pattevns for accessing AppSettings.  But AppSettings is still a pretty useless bag of strings.  Wouldn’t it be better to not have to write all of this wiring code?  Wouldn’t it be better to say “set the connectionString parameter on the SessionFactory class to <<DEV>>” in the config file?  Wouldn’t it be completely amazing if there was a framework that implemented a completely general version of this configuration class for you?

Well, actually, there is.  Actually, there’s lots.  AutoFac, Castle Windsor, NInject, Hiro, StructureMap (in no particular order) provide exactly this kind of functionality for .NET.  PocoCapsule does it in C++, Spring and NanoContainer kicked off the whole concept in Java.  It’s not as if this is even cutting edge anymore.  All of them change the model: the configuration is pushed into your code, you don’t pull from it.  All of a sudden, you don’t need to worry about writing configuration code at all.

If you ask me, the one thing training materials on the subject should really tell you is that the ConfigurationManager API is there’s a better way of handling configuration in your application.

And Merry Christmas.  🙂



*I toyed with the idea of calling this article “What Jeffrey doesn’t teach you about reading from .Net configuration” but rejected it as pointlessly provocative.  The article is a good introduction to the problems of dealing with the .NET API and approaches for dealing with it.  Jeffrey was blogging about IoC before I even got my head properly around the concepts.

CORRECTION:  Changed Guice to PocoCapsule.  As Mauricio points out, Guice is a Java container, not a C++ one.  It’s harder to write an IoC container in a language without reflection support, however.

Why Do People Behave as if Asynchronous Processing is Easy?

Let’s see if you can spot the difference.  Your manager comes up to you and says

  1. We need to get invoices from our order system into our treasury system.  What we were thinking was: we’ll get the order system to export its orders onto the file system, and the treasury system can read in the files and delete them when it’s finished.  How long should that take?
  2. We need you to write a robust queuing solution.  How long should that take?

The answer is, of course, that there’s no difference, except possibly that you’re being asked to do a bad job in the first instance for which you will be blamed later.  If you want to get items from one system to another reliably, you need a queue.  If you don’t use one, you’ll end up writing one.

But it’s simple

The biggest problem I have with convincing people to use things like Retlang and MSMQ is the perception that they are somehow “complicated”.  In each case, something is perceived as being “easier”  (Messing around with threads and locks in the first instance, hacking around with files in the second.)  What we have here is an example of developers doing something they dislike non-technical managers for: treating anything they don’t understand as easy.

Put it this way, a friend of mine works in communications.  He writes a lot of complex asynchronous code, often bespoke and under serious time pressure.  When I showed him Retlang, he immediately jumped at it, because he understood the problem it was solving.  Most of us don’t deal with these things often enough to really understand the problem space.

If you don’t understand all of the things that can go wrong with a file drop copy or naive multi-threading code, you shouldn’t be writing it.  If you do, and you still don’t want to use a third party solution, you should really ask yourself what value you’re adding to your business. 

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You’re Only as Good as Your Worst Component

Here in my office we have great fridges in the kitchen.  They’re not cheap, but they are seriously good.  Large, easily cleanable shelves, an aluminium body, even refrigeration and actually rather nice to look at.  There’s even a handle at the front that opens in a really satisfying way (It’s a lever that pulls apart the door from the rest of the fridge).  In short, a cracking fridge.


It’s a pity it’s broken.  That flash handle I mentioned: it’s got a component made out of plastic.  And it broke, meaning you can’t actually open the fridge.  Except that, of course, I’ve long since figured out how to open the fridge door.  Of course, since the handle breaks every six months and it takes over a month to replace it, you’d pretty much expect me to have got pretty good at it by now.

Now, clearly, the manufacturers messed up when they designed this.  The handle isn’t anything like as sturdy as the other parts of the system.  It’s probably not even regarded as very important by the developers.  After all, it’s still keeping the food at the right temperature.  That’s the principal SLA of a fridge, right?

All our talk of modules and KPIs can sometimes distract from actually seeing things from the user’s perspective.  He doesn’t care if 99% of the system is perfect if the 1% that isn’t makes his life hell.  So, every so often, it’s worth just taking a look at all of the things you do and seeing which you think is the worst.  Someone will probably argue that it’s not very important to fix it, but the chances are, someone will thank you if you do.

So, which is your worst component?  I’m betting it’s in the same area as my broken fridge: the front end.

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Braindead Boo Embedding

I’ve got to admit, I’ve got my reservations about Boo.  There’s the take-up question, which wasn’t a big deal before the DLR came striding into town, but is much more important now that there are other ways to skin this particular cat.  Then there’s the extensible syntax, which is one of the most powerful shotguns I’ve ever seen.  They’ve even helpfully set it up to point at your foot by default.

Fact remains, I’ve just done some work for the Castle project that uses Boo for its DSL.  Again, I’ve gone for the “just get it working” approach, so I thought it’d be useful to see this and compare it against the Python version.  Here’s the bootstrap code:

namespace SolutionTransform {
    using System;

    public class Program {
        public static SolutionFile GetSolutionFile(string path)
            return new SolutionFile(path, path.FileContent());

        public static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length < 2) {
                Console.WriteLine("Usage:  SolutionTransform <scriptPath> <solutionPath>");
            } else
                var interpreter = new Boo.Lang.Interpreter.InteractiveInterpreter2();
                interpreter.SetValue("solution", GetSolutionFile(args[1]));
                var script = args[0].FileContent();
                var context = interpreter.Eval(script);
                foreach (var e in context.Errors)

Couple of interesting things to note:

  • Boo doesn’t believe in convenience methods.  You want to read a file, you do it yourself.  I’d argue this is good design.
  • There’s no concept of “script scope” separate from an execution engine.  In practice, this is a consequence of the DLR supporting multiple languages whilst Boo just has to support itself.
  • Boo doesn’t report compilation errors to the console by default.  This is a bit of a gotcha, but not really an issue in non-braindead scenarios.

Ultimately, there isn’t really a “better” to be found here, although personally I hope that Boo supports the DLR in future, which would make swapping between languages easier.  It’d probably also promote takeup of Boo.  The question is whether or not those benefits would be worth the extremely large effort required.

The most interesting point, for me, is the script scope differences.  It highlights a difficulty with the Single Responsibility Principle: what “one thing” means is dependent on context.  I’m sure the developers of Boo think that the interpreter implements SRP, but the fact remains that the DLR has managed to split out a responsibility from it.

Now let’s take a look at the script.

import SolutionTransform
import System.Text.RegularExpressions

    {l|Regex.Replace(l, "-vs2008", "-Silverlight", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)}, # rename rule
    StandardFilters.RegexFilter(["Castle.Core", "Castle.DynamicProxy", "Castle.MicroKernel", "Castle.Windsor"]), 

# This script is the script for converting a castle solution to the corresponding castle silverlight solution

Now, I think this is inarguably more elegant than the IronPython version around the import statements.  This is a consequence of Boo being a .NET language, rather than a replication of CPython’s semantics integrated with .NET.  On the other hand, there’s a couple of things I don’t like.  One is the lambda syntax.  Do we really need another one?  Boo is a python-like language, and there’s nothing wrong with Python’s syntax here.  The other is the RegexFilter function: it takes an non-generic IEnumerable because Boo won’t just try tacking a .Cast<string> onto the end.  IronPython gets this right.  This is probably a consequence of Boo’s optional static typing.

How you feel about Boo probably comes down to how you feel about the syntax extensibility.  Personally, I’ve never seen a Boo DSL that was well documented and as a friend of mine recently said “A DSL is no substitute for an FAQ.”.

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DSLs for Dummies: Braindead Python Embedding

Okay, let’s go over the basic DSL argument:

  • You need to configure something
  • It can behave in very different ways in different environments
  • The data model is subject to change and in any event not easily represented by a relational database

These are pretty much exactly the use cases for Composite and Chain of Responsibility patterns.  But that’s one of those “raises as many questions as it answers” things.  How are you going to configure it?  Well, until the advent of embeddable scripting languages, the answer was pretty much always you hacked something together.  That, or you hacked together a configuration language together, often using XML.

Embeddable scripting languages change this equation.  Now you can do anything you could do in code.  If you’re lucky, you can make it look DSL-y.  Now, you could write a book on this.  Oren already has, but I’m not talking about all-conquering DSLs that solve a domain problem, I’m taking about hacking something together.  So, what are you going to need for that?

  • Embed Python in your program
  • Inject some variables into the python script
  • Allow the Python script to call back to the original program

With this you can do anything.  You can even read an XML configuration file, if you must.

Hosting IronPython

I’m aware I’m something like the 100th person to blog this, but most of the information is horribly out of date or misses out an important detail.  So, here’s some really trivial code that runs a (hardwired) python file.

static void Main(string[] rawArgs)
    var engine = Python.CreateEngine();
    // Set the search path to include the calling program, so that you can import it with the python code
    engine.SetSearchPaths(new[] { Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) }.ToList());
    var scriptScope = new ScriptScope(engine, new Scope());
    // Inject in a variable
    engine.SetVariable(scriptScope, "c", new CurveDownload());  
    engine.ExecuteFile("", scriptScope);

Note that we’ve set the search path, to allow the python file to import the original assembly.  You might not need that, but in general you will.  Equally, we’ve slapped a variable in there to demonstrate the ability to pass in context.  We could make all of this a lot prettier, but we’re going for braindead here.

Okay, next you need to actually reference back to the calling program

import clr
from Bloomberg.YieldCurves import *

curves = [
    ShortLongCurveSpecification("USD", "CMTUSD__", "A_A", "US000__", "A_360"),
    ShortLongCurveSpecification("GBP", "COMGBP__", "A_A", "BP000__", "A_365"),
    ShortLongCurveSpecification("EUR", "CMTEUR__", "A_A", "EE000__", "A_360")
c.Export("""c:tryme.xml""", curves)

So, the first three lines do that.  I’d like to get that whole bit slicker, preferably so that you could move it into the C# code, but for now it’ll do (obviously you could just hack it by modifying the file).  For those of you who know practically no Python, like me, the difference between “import Bloomberg.YieldCurves” and “from Bloomberg.YieldCurves import *” is that in the former case you’d have to refer to Bloomberg.YieldCurves.ShortLongCurveSpecification.

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